League of Heroes Banner

Greetings, Citizens!

The League of Heroes is a collection of some of Earth’s mightiest costumed super-heroes! We’ve decided to use our powers for the forces of good to fight evil in all its forms. We believe in changing the world, and we believe the best way to do that is in tights and a cape! The League is the words most powerful collection of crime fighters.

The League of Heroes began operations in January of 2012. Located at 1234 Do-gooders Way in Toronto's tech district, we have established ourselves as Canada's first and foremost super team. Its founder, Dr. Goliath, has since been instrumental in collecting heroes from around the country including Bronze God, Cat Lady, Invisible Kid, Fast Foodie, Infernal Machine, and Errand Man.

The Idea Man


Doug Dermish.

This guy stews up all the new villains and heroes in his head as well as League stories and then spews them out in a flurry of words, shapes and colours. Sometimes they are spewed in the most primitive forms and much work is left in the hands of The Writing Man and The Drawing Man. Doug also sorts all the recycling at our office since "Idea Man" is a pretty cush job.

The Writing Man


Nathan Nache.

This guy is in charge of fine-tuning whatever garbage Doug Dermish spits his way. He writes all our bios and stories in full-blown English, although some call his style "Olde English". Nathan brings fresh bagels to the office every day and really likes plain hamburgers seasoned with an ever-so-slight dash of pink Himalayan sea salt.

The Drawing Man


Rudy Rawlings.

This guy turns all those pretty words that Nathan whips up into pretty pics of weird and strange things. His style is often described as "Nouveux Crackpot Surrealism" and he's proud of it. Rudy spends a fair bit of time in traffic and is currently designing something called "Instance-Based Commuting", whatever that is.

The League will continue to fight evil on a weekly basis with only short breaks and of course, weekends are off. If you spot any criminal activity on the weekend, please contact your local law enforcement immediately. (The League is not liable for any crimes committed on Saturdays or Sundays (Or Mondays (The League counts Monday as part of the weekend) ).